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New Sump system in Caledonia, On

Natalie had just moved into her Caledonia home when she had a flood that was created by an insufficient sump system. Since her flood, she experienced odors in the basement that were not pleasant Omni Basement Systems came out and recommended the Triplesafe sump system which features 3 pumps in one liner for the ultimate protection. 

new Sump pump in Caledonia, ON

Dan In Caledonia had a newer house with a Builder sump pit and pump. He was looking for an upgrade to a sealed pit and a battery back-up system. 
Omni installed the SuperSump with the tufTop Lid option along with the UltraSump 4 battery back-up system. 

New Sump pump system in Caledonia, On

Josh and Diana has a home in Caledonia with an old sump system and wanted to upgrade it to the SuperSump with a battery back-up system called UltraSump. 


New Triplesafe Sump system in Canfield, On

Margaret needed a better sump system in Canfield, ON home. She needed a sump that would keep her basement dry all the time. Her current system had no back up and she felt that it could not keep up when there was a heavy rain or storm. Omni recommended and installed the incredible Triplesafe sump pump system. The Triplesafe features 3 pumps in one pit. Two pumps are AC and run on your regular house power and the third is DC and runs off a large power cell that is kept charged.

Best Waterproofing System in Maryhill

Best Waterproofing System in Maryhill

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