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Mid-State Basement Systems

Before & After Photos

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Sump pump system with battery backup in Hawkesbury

Our client had recurring water problems cause of the inadequate sump pump system that was installed when he bought the house. We installed the SuperSump, along with an UltraSump battery backup sump pump which alone can pump out 12,000 gallons of water on full charge. This system provided the owner with a long-lasting protection from power outages, sump pump failures, blown fuses, and similar issues.

Waterproofing a Basement in Hawkesbury, Qc

Our customers who lived in Hawkesbury, Qc bought their house several years ago and everything seemed great until their basement had problems of water infiltration and constant humidity. They had every intention of finishing the basement in order to benefit from all the space, but it was impossible with a basement that is not dry.

Our specialist recommended a complete drainage system to protect their entire basement, all the time!

Change of sump pump in Hawkesbury, Qc

This basement in Hawkesbury, Qc was suffering from water infiltration although it had already a pump used. To fix this situation, we replaced the pedestal pump by our TripleSafe so that our client could use his basement without worrying about potential risks.


Replacing an old pump with our TripleSafe sump pump in Les Coteaux, Qc

This house in Les Coteaux was in a very bad state.

Water was coming into the basement during each thaw season, which was deteriorating the place and causing too much moisture in the area.

After finding our company, Mr. Frank called us and asked for our free inspection.

We waterproofed the entire place by installing our TripleSafe sump pump to pump all the water out, 2 IceGuard accessories to prevent water freezing and a LawnScape discharge line outlet.

Elimination of water infiltration, in Les Coteaux, QC

Our client Mr. Frank wanted to keep his entire basement dry. His basement had been finished and he wanted to protect it.


Our customer chose the product known as the TripleSafe pump which included; 3 pumps (2 electric, 1 battery), 2 alarms and 1 drain. This product guarantees a dry basement, even in the case of water infiltration. Ideal for a client who has had one or more water infiltrations in the past, a client in an area prone to flooding or a client who wants to renovate or complete his basement and who wants to protect his investment. It is strongly suggested that you install a TripleSafe prior to basement renovations.

This pump will typically include one or more IceGuards. The IceGuard helps prevent the water which the pump sends outside the house from freezing. If this discharge is prevented by frozen water, it will return to the pump and break it, thus making it useless. This water will therefore go to your basement.

A Lawnscape is also often used at this water outlet to prevent soil erosion, damage surrounding landscaping and prevent entry of insects. Each of these elements has been specifically created to collect the large amounts of rain during our Quebec springs.


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