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Mid-State Basement Systems

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Sump Pump Replacement in Morton, IL

Old failing sump pump replaced with a new TriplSaafe sump pump in Morton, IL. 

Waterproofing in Morton, IL

Homeowner Rick has lived in his home for the last three years in that tie he has had some water issues in his basement. He thought the water was coming from his washer and dryer every time it rained. Design Specialist Troy Hamilton did a full inspection of the inside and the outside of the home. After completing his inspection Troy determined that Ricks; home was in need of a full perimeter waterproofing system. Rick agreed that this would be the best option for him and the life and quality of his home. The full perimeter waterproofing system included a WaterGuard System. A WaterGuard system is underground piping that channels that water out of your home.  To install the system first you must dig a trench around the perimeter of the basement. The trench will be cleared out and the WaterGuard system will be placed in the trench. To hold the trench in the proper place it is back filled with rocks. After it is level and in the proper place the system is pave of to make it about of your home without notice. The system will keep water out improving the quality of your home.

Waterproofing Service in Hennepin, IL

Last year homeowner Paul had a waterproofing system installed in his home. MidAmerica Basement SYstems contacted him when his system was due for its annual service appointment. It is important to have your system's service every year to make sure that they are working properly and also make sure that they last a long time. When they serve the system they flush the WaterGuard system to make sure that there is no block in the system. Also included in a service is the cleaning of your sump pump and also they make sure that all of the parts of the system are working properly. 

Washington, IL WaterGuard Installation

A past customer decided to get his basement waterproofed with MidAmerica Basement Systems. With the patented sub-floor drainage system being an easy choice, the homeowner had the system installed.

Water Comes Up from Floor in Washington, IL

Gary H. of Washington, IL was having issues with water coming up through the floors of his basement. He met with design specialist Dan Garner, and had a full perimeter WaterGuard System installed, along with a SuperSump Sump Pump. Gary is thrilled to have a basement that is finally dry. 

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