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Sump Pump Update in Windsor, ON

Problem: This home had an older and inefficient sump pump. It wasn’t able to keep up with heavy rains and also had an open lid, which not only allows debris to enter and possibly clog the pump, but also adds extra moisture into the basement air.

Solution: We installed the industry leading TripleSafe Sump Pump System. The powerful pumps will have no problem keeping up, even during times of heavy rainfall. The sealed lid means no debris will interfere with the pumps and the damp air will stay where it should: in the tank.

Inspector:  Tom

Foreman: Paul

Crawl Space Encapsulation, Windsor On

Problem: This homeowner was experiencing high humidity in their home, resulting in a damp, musty environment, due to a dirt floor crawl space. The dirt floor crawl space allows moisture to work its way into the entire home.

Solution:  Our crew installed a CleanSpace Liner to keep the moisture from penetrating into the home and applied Spray Foam Insulation for improved home comfort and more efficient heating and cooling.

Inspector:  Bryan

Foreman: Kevin

Sump Pump Windsor, ON

Problem: This old sump pump had a loose fitting lid, an old pump and was letting moisture, odours and bugs in! The plumbing needed to be fixed, also.

Solution: We installed one of our liners that comes with a lid that lets nearly no air up through it! It is a two-piece lid so that you may have easy access to the equipment inside. The red puck is water-alarm that has a 6" probe into the liner that will sound off an alarm if water touches it. The lid also has a one-way floor drain built in.

Inspector: Cory

Foreman: Justin 

Sump Pump installed in a Tecumseh, ON Crawl Space

Problem: This multi-level home had one area which was a dirt floor crawl space. As with any lower level, this means water can penetrate up from the ground and cause water damage and excessive moisture.

Solution:  Our team installed a Super Sump: a sump pump designed for crawl spaces to remove the water in the ground. Our team also installed a CleanSpace vapour barrier, encapsulating the area; to keep the moisture and humidity levels down in the crawl space.

What a transformation!   

Inspector:  Joel

Foreman: Paul 

A Superior Sump Pump installed in Essex County, ON

Problem:  These homeowners needed a sump pump upgrade! Their old pump:

  • Could not keep up during times of heavy rainfall.
  • Did not have a battery backup in case of a power outage.
  • Had an open pit: which allows dirt and debris to enter and potentially clog the pump.  

Solution:  Our superior TripleSafe Sump Pump System is the perfect fit and fix for this home!

This system includes the following features and benefits:

  • Zoeller® hp Primary Pump - Reliable and powerful!
  • Zoeller® hp Secondary Pump - If the primary sump pump fails or is overwhelmed by extremely heavy waters, the secondary pump will turn on.
  • In the case of a tripped circuit, power outage, or sump failure, this system also includes an UltraSump® Battery Backup System.
  • WaterWatch Alarm: Sounds off to let you know if water has risen past the point where the pumps should have turned on.
  • Airtight Sump Lid: An airtight lid keeps odors and humidity out, while protecting your sump from debris from the basement floor. Rubber grommets around all pipes and wires help maintain the airtight lid and also help to keep all PVC pipes steady and quiet.
  • CleanPump Stands: These sump pump stands are installed to raise the pumps off of the bottom of the liner. Any silt or sediment that settles on the bottom of your sump pit will be kept away from your pump. These stands also allow for height adjustment of the pump if necessary.

Inspector:  Joel

Foreman: Paul

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