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Dehumidifier Installation, East Kingston, NH

This homeowner in East Kingston, NH had been experiencing a wet basement since the day he moved into the house. The high amount of moisture led to mold forming throughout the basement and also the first floor. After 22 years of experiencing this uncomfortable humidity, the homeowner decided to reach out to our Erickson Foundation Solutions team to make a change.

Our Design Specialist, Victor Tapia, suggested installing our SaniDry Dehumidifier to eliminate these issues. This system not only provides a dry environment, but also drains automatically, as well as removes mold spores and other irritants and allergens.

Now that the SaniDry Dehumidifier is installed, this homeowner can finally enjoy his basement and take comfort in knowing that mold will no longer be an issue.


Egress Window Well Installation, Amesbury, MA

This early 1900's home in Amesbury, MA had three egress windows along one side of the house. During heavy rains, the shallow, old window wells would collect the water, eventually leading to leaking through the windows down into the basement. The owners reached out to our Erickson team to replace the window wells with an upgraded system, as well as install covers to help prevent rain from directly falling into the well space.

Our production specialists installed all three window well replacements and covers in a single day, and patched the owners asphalt driveway surrounding the wells. They took care to cleanly cutaway the existing asphalt material so that later their patching around the well would be clean and easy. Not only will the upgraded egress window system help keep water from leaking into the basement, but they look great from the outside of the home as well. 

Insulating Cold Floors, Lee, NH

A homeowner in Lee, New Hampshire, has lived in their home for over 30 years. During the winter they find that the floors of their main floor get very cold. They called EFS so we could find a solution to add insulation to their crawlspace. Our Specialist met with the homeowner and inspected the crawlspace. We recommended installing CleanSpace, Drainage Matting, SilverGlo, SmartJacks, and a SaniDry Sedona into the basement. These products will insulate, stabilize, and control the moisture within the basement and help keep the floors warmer during the colder months. 

Perimeter Drainage System, Ipswich, MA

A homeowner in Ipswich, Massachusetts, has lived in the home for almost 10 years. Recently they found that water was entering the basement from the front foundation wall. They called EFS for a free inspection of their basement. Our Design Specialist met with the homeowner and recommended installing a full perimeter drainage system. This system will include WaterGuard, a TripleSafe sump pump, CleanSpace Wall System, IceGuard, and an Exterior Drainage Line. 

Water Entering Forever Homes' Garage and Storage Room, Hancock, NH

This homeowner in Hancock, New Hampshire had an issue where water was entering the garage and storage room in their forever home. The homeowners are worried if they wait to fix this issue that the problem will get worse and more expensive. They decided to call EFS for a free inspection. 

Crew Lead Spencer Ladd and his team arrived at the home and installed the Super Sump, Water Guard, and Crack Injection.

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